
  This website uses information from the interviews with master Chin-Yi Yen and master Chia-Yi Lin. The contents of the website are not documented word by word of what the two masters said in the interviews, rather all contents used from the interview are the team members’ interpretation of the information. While writing and editing the content of our website, both master Chin-Yi Yen and master Chia-Yi Lin’s interviews were references we used. Most pictures from this website are pictures taken by the team members of this project during the interviews with the masters, with a few pictures obtained from the internet. Links to the pictures obtained from the internet can be found in the citations.

  1. National Traditional Art Center-Origin. February 13, 2020, taken from https://web.archive.org/web/20151115050441/http://www.ncfta.gov.tw/ncfta_ce/c05/index.aspx
  2. National Traditional Art Center-Taiwan Music Hall. February 13, 2020, taken from https://www.ncfta.gov.tw/taiwanmusic_74.html
  3. National Center for Traditional Arts-Guoguang Theatre Company. February 13, 2020, taken from https://www.ncfta.gov.tw/guoguangopera_71.html
  4. National Traditional Arts Center-Taiwan Yu Opera Troupe. February 13, 2020, taken from https://www.ncfta.gov.tw/bangziopera_73.html
  5. National Traditional Art Center-Taiwan National Orchestra. February 13, 2020, taken from https://www.ncfta.gov.tw/ncO_72.html
  6. Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taipei City Government-Organization Introduction. February 29, 2020, taken from https://www.culture.gov.taipei/frontsite/cms/contentAction.do?method=viewContentList&subMenuId=101&siteId=MTAx
  7. The reason for the establishment of the county and city cultural bureau and the current situation are described. February 29, 2020, taken from http://nhuir.nhu.edu.tw/retrieve/27246/090NHU00673020-004.pdf
  8. Taipei Municipal Government Cultural Bureau-Performing Arts Group. February 29, 2020, taken from https://www.culture.gov.taipei/frontsite/artorganization/groupFrontListAction.do?method=doRead&iscancel=true&groupId=2914
  9. Taipei Municipal Government Cultural Bureau-Cultural assets. February 29, 2020, taken from https://www.culture.gov.taipei/frontsite/ch/newsAction.do?method=viewContentList&subMenuId=1030120&siteId=MTA1
  10. Cultural Assets Bureau of the Ministry of Culture-Organizational History. February 29, 2020, taken from https://www.boch.gov.tw/content_129.html
  11. Kaohsiung City Government Cultural Bureau-Development History. February 22, 2020, take khcc.gov.tw/rwd_home02.aspx?ID=$1101&IDK=2&DATA=249&EXEC=L
  12. Kaohsiung City Government Cultural Bureau-Organizational Vision. February 22, 2020, taken from khcc.gov.tw/rwd_home02.aspx?ID=$1101&IDK=2&EXEC=L&DATA=37328&AP=$1101_HISTORY-0
  13. Kaohsiung City Government Cultural Bureau-Traditional Crafts. February 22, 2020, from heritage.khcc.gov.tw/HeritageList.aspx?appname=TraditionalCraft&Type=TraditionalCraft
  14. Cultural Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government-Cultural Assets. March 1, 2020, taken from http://heritage.khcc.gov.tw/HeritageList.aspx?appname=heritage02&Type=HistoricalRelics
  15. Kaohsiung City Government Cultural Bureau-Qihou Yantai. March 1, 2020, taken from http://heritage.khcc.gov.tw/Heritage.aspx?KeyID=0cf33b4c-91f4-47ca-af9c-547cd2bef4d1
  16. Ministry of Culture-Cultural News. March 1, 2020, taken from https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_250_96999.html
  17. CITS. (N.d.). Lacquer Thread Sculpture, a delicate handicraft in southeast China. Retrieved from: http://www.cits.net/china-travel-guide/lacquer-thread-sculpture-a-delicat
  18. BRICS 2017 China. (2017) Lacquer Thread Sculpture. Retrieved from: https://brics2017.org/English/AboutXiamen/HumanitiesXiamen/201706/t20170628_1648.html [Accessed 21 Jan. 2019].
  19. Chinese Encyclopedia. January 27, 2019, taken from https://www.itsfun.com.tw/
  20. Baidu Encyclopedia. January 23, 2019, taken from https://baike.baidu.com/item/
  21. Blessing on earth. January 22, 2019, taken from http://www.merit-times.com.tw/NewsPage.aspx?unid
  22. Fengyuan Lacquer House. January 28, 2019, taken from https://www.fy71.org.tw/FY0005/FY0005View?m
  23. Key comments. February 8, 2019, taken from https://www.thenewslens.com/article/82466
  24. National Taiwan Technology Research and Development Center. February 6, 2019, taken from https://www.ntcri.gov.tw/exhibitio
  25. Ministry of Culture. February 6, 2019, taken from https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_250_37406.html
  26. Taoist information website. February 12, 2019, taken from http://www.ctcwri.idv.tw/
  27. Taiwan Encyclopedia of the Ministry of Culture. February 6, 2019, taken from http://nrch.culture.tw/twpedia.aspx?id=
  28. National Palace Museum. February 14, 2019, taken from https://www.npm.gov.tw/
  29. Lin Xinfa's table Buddha statue. February 14, 2019, taken from https://linshinfa.pixnet.net/blog/


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