
喝茶習慣(tea-drinking routine ):

According to the data collected from the respondents, 60% of them drink tea sometimes, and 35% of them drink tea really often, that is 90% out of total. From this data, we can notice that tea drinking is in the Taiwan culture, almost everyone drinks tea. Though there are still a lot of tea drinkers, the amount of people who drink tea very often is declining, which means that the culture of drinking tea won’t be as popular as before. In conclusion, though tea drinking is still popular in Taiwan, as the generations go on, more and more people won’t drink tea often, and that will lead to the decline of tea culture. We should keep promoting drinking tea, and let tea culture be spread.

The data collected from the interviewees, about 70% of them steeps tea, and 30% won’t. From this data we can notice that more than half of the people don’t steep tea by themselves.


According to our responses, 44.4% of the respondents drink bottled tea, and 60.9% of the respondents drink hot tea. This shows that bottled tea and hot tea are the most popular. On the other hand, 7.6% of our respondents drink brewed tea, 16.4% drink all the teas, and only 5.3% of the respondents don’t drink tea.

陳念舟老師 (Mr. Nian Zhou Chen):

According to the pie chart, we can see that the majority (92.9%) of our respondents haven’t heard of Mr. Nian Zhou Chen. This also shows that tea culture has not been taken seriously.


We can see that 28.2% of our respondents have heard of Mr. Nian Zhou Chen before, and 25.6% of our respondents knew him from the internet. 12.8% of all respondents knew him from books, magazines, of newspapers, and others have no idea who Mr. Nian Zhou Chen is.

According to the bar chart above, only 57.9% of the respondents know Mr. Nian Zhou Chen’s job. Some thought dance teacher or a dance group commander, and some even thought that he’s a tea farmer or a school teacher.


According to the pie chart, most of the respondents know that Mr. Nian Zhou Chen’s achievements to his job are related to teapots. Only 11.3% of the respondents don’t.


對茶壺的了解 (Understandings of teapots):

According to the bar graph, we can see that the most well-known teapot is the Chinese teapot, which 68.6% of the respondents know, followed by Japanese teapots, Western teapots and clay teapots. Most people in our survey don't know the rest such as Indian teapot, Moroccan teapot and Turkish teapot.


According to this bar graph, we can see that Western teapots are the most commonly used teapots. Connect the data to the previous question. Although the Chinese teapot is the most famous teapot, its use has not yet been truly widespread. Japanese teapots are also widely used. Japanese teapots are popular and famous in Asia. The following is a clay teapot. Compared with other teapots, clay teapots are very popular in Taiwan.


《茶經》("Tea Classic"):

According to the pie chart, we can see that the proportion of people who don't know "Tea Classics" are higher than those who know "Tea Classics". We can see that Taiwan’s education or knowledge of tea classics has not been widely educated.


Looking at the pie chart, most people answered this question correctly. About 88% of people have a basic understanding of classic tea. Lu Yu is the author of the Tea Classics.


According to the pie chart, about half of the respondents answered this question correctly. The correct answer is the Tang Dynasty. The other misidentified answer is the Song Dynasty. This is because the Song Dynasty is right after the end of the Tang Dynasty, so people have often mistaken these two Dynasties.


According to the pie chart shown above, about 59% of respondents answered this question correctly. The correct answer comes from the Tea Classic. But about 40% of the respondents did not know the answer, which also shows that people's basic understanding of tea culture is not widely known.


According to the bar chart, the sentence” Tea is a drink, originated from the Shennong family, and smelled by Lu Zhougong.” is the most known one. We interpret that it is because people have heard of or learned the name ”Shennong” before. Most people know that Shennong is called a”Divine farmer”, so people may relate the name to this question.


《茶錄》("Tea Record"):

According to the pie chart, we can see that the majority of our respondents have not heard of the “Tea Record”. Only 7.4% of the respondents have heard of the Tea Record, meaning that people don’t really know about our Chinese tea culture.


The correct answer is Cai Xiang. Only 63.4% of our respondents answered correctly.


The correct answer to this question is the tea mill. According to the pie chart, only 21.7% of our respondents answered this question correctly, which is only about ⅕. This shows that most people aren’t familiar with our tea culture and tea equipment.


No.800, Huacheng Rd., Xindian Dist.,

New Taipei City 231, Taiwan
