The Circular Life of Coffee Grounds and Plastic Bottles
Image Source: Link
As the environment around the world is slowly declining, we are starting to see the negative changes impact our lives. Oceans are polluted, the climate is changing, and species are dying out, we must begin to take immediate actions in order to slow down it all. Our project mainly focuses on 2 parts, coffee ground-made shoes, and plastic bottle slippers, which both tie back to the idea of a “Circular Economy”. Businesses and brands around the world are beginning to turn to eco-friendly products, countries begin raising awareness regarding environmental protection. Through this project, we investigate and research the companies and organizations in Taiwan which focus on promoting a circular economy. Moreover, we dive into the details and analysis of waste disposing habits of Taiwanese people, hoping to fully understand the cause, effects, and solution to environmental change.
Image Source: 馳綠 Lab22
Image Source: 馳綠 Lab22
Image Source: 馳綠 Lab22
Image Source: 馳綠 Lab22
Image Source: Shoot by ourselves
Image Source: Shoot by ourselves
Image Source: shoot by ourselves
Image Source: Shoot by ourselves