Reviving Oceans : Marine Recycling


Marine pollution, as one of the issues the whole world is facing, has gradually become one of the most critical of all. In recent years, people have been harming the environment, releasing harmful waste into the ocean, harming marine animals, and damaging the quality of ocean water. The marine is the most important source on the Earth, the Earth can’t sustain without marine. Marine supports human basic conveniences in life, for example, food, transportation, economy, etc. However, the oceans have already started to change. Even though the government has warned and appealed to citizens about the importance of ocean protection and recycling in advance, people don’t take it as advice and execute. That might appear to be the fall side of ocean protection,

So no matter how many environmentally friendly products are made, it means nothing if no one uses them. Through this project, we hope that more people can understand and gain more knowledge about marine protection, knowing the deep connection between recycling and society. In addition, perceiving the best materials to make recycled products, creates a better society. Within our research, we found “Deya”, a company that creates recyclable backpacks using marine waste, turning the marine waste into products humans can use.