For us, we consider our 'local community' to be the entirety of Taiwan. In Taiwan, people are quite united: we share with each other, we talk to each other, we work with each other. This has been a traditional cultural habit 'Taiwan' was established. Being a beautiful island located in the Eastern Asia region, Taiwan is famous for its diverse cultures and caring society atmosphere. However, criminal rehabilitants in Taiwan still faced heavy discrimination due to their criminal history and suffered greatly when applying for jobs or socializing.
Everyone has a different style or logical ideas in terms of writing the content; a paragraph that was written might not be accepted by another teammate. So, when we ran out of ideas, we would ask for suggestions from our teachers, discuss the central direction, and then begin writing. At the same time, before writing anything, we would consider our ideas with our teammates, listen to others’ ideas, and then unify to form a completed data. That way, not only will we get different approaches, the content would also be more resourceful.
I believe that our project, no matter how little, has made a difference to our community. Although our website is unlikely to bring about changes around the world, people in our community are certainly more aware of the matter than before. Through this project, students in our school had noticed the problems we discovered, and that is the first step of bringing changes. Students might find new opportunities to volunteer or donate to the organizations, and they certainly are aware of the matter together. Our website spread awareness about the organization, leading more people to help and support them.
We did not involve other members of our community as helpers or volunteers in our project; we contacted the organization ourselves, did the interviews ourselves, and created the website ourselves. However, we would like to thank the interviewee An-Pong Cheng for providing a lot of details in his stories. Although sometimes he drifts away from the interview questions, he gave us a lot of interesting stories that led us to information we did not know before. Also, he is extremely friendly and cooperative, we have almost no problem contacting him and asking for an interview.