The four don'ts one does questions are no feeding, no touching, no calling, no refusal, and active questioning. Feeding, calling, or touching a guide dog during its work will cause interference, and refusing the guide dog to enter public places will violate the Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Persons with Disabilities. Guide dogs (or puppies that are training) can freely enter and exit public places and take public transportation. The correct way to help blind people is to ask them if they need help. Establishing a correct concept of how the public should interact with guide dogs is relevant to both visually impaired people and guide dogs, since deliberating or interfering with guide dogs while they’re working may cause a big issue. The reason why visually impaired people are called like that is because they have some very severe difficulties. If we interfere with guide dogs or refuse them to go on public transportation, blind people’s rights may be damaged.