具碳稅與循環經濟逆物流考慮之最佳訂購及再製生產策略=An Optimal Ordering and Re-manufacturing Strategy under Consideration of Carbon Tax and Circular Economy Reverse Logistics for Recycled Products (Link)
邁向高值化與循環經濟的石化產業=Towards a Petrochemical Industry with High Value and Circular Economy (Link)
國內海洋污染防制之現況及未來展望 (Link)
塑膠循環經濟之國際倡議與臺灣政策現況=The International Initiatives of Plastic Circular Economy and the Plastic Policy in Taiwan (Link)
新國民藍白拖 寶特瓶+牡蠣殼打造 (Link)
兩杯超商咖啡,可以做出一雙夾腳拖!馳綠用咖啡渣做鞋,成功外銷歐美 (Link)
二代自創品牌 咖啡渣、廢矽晶圓都能製鞋 材料、製造減少碳足跡 馳綠贏得好萊塢授權開發 (Link)