Our team consists of 5 Taiwanese junior high students: Grace Chang, Aaron Hong, Wei Yo, Shawn Pan, and Simon Wu. Our instructor is Bear Shiao and Wings Peng, who provide technical support, comment, guiding, and website supervising.
The main reason that sports aren’t popular in Taiwan is that traditional Taiwanese considered sports “unnecessary” and “useless”, so very little parents allowed their kids to participate in sports. As a result, sports have very little value to the government and people, making Taiwan lack a complete system of sports, including training for kids or retirement insurance for retired athletes. This created a vicious cycle that heavily impacted the sports industry in Taiwan. Students that focus on sports are at a disadvantage in the sense of education since traditional Taiwan graduating system reply on tests but not talent. Choxue, founded by Kai-Cheng Ho, a Chinese American, is an organization specialized in mediating sports students in high school or college to guarantee their graduation, therefore encouraging sports among civilians and eliminating misunderstandings and prejudice against sports.
We’d like to explore the influences and achievements of such organizations. Our hope is to not only promote this organization but also help people realize the future of Taiwan’s education and encourage people to accept sports as a “useful” subject to kids.