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Cheng Ho Taiwan Sport History Taiwan's Education Choxue Interview Questionnaire Conclusion More
Jump ball during Choxue summer camp

Closing Remarks

People used to believe “grades are the most important” and “people only play sports because they don’t have good grades,” but these beliefs have to change. Change starts with us, starting today. Today, we call for all citizens of Taiwan to watch our own people, our own neighbors play sports at school, in tournaments, and give them support. We should also play sports of our own, which not only strengthens your immune system, but can also unite Taiwan through sports.

Choxue's tournament is part of their program to help students find better education


Grace Chang

This is my first time participating in the Cyber Fair, the process is tough, but I learned a lot from this experience. Our team has fewer people than normal, plus we don’t have much time, so we must come up with a method to use the shortest time and achieve the most result. Throughout time, I learned how to effectively communicate with my teammates, how to gather and analyze information, and how to make it into a website. I found out that many phenomenons in society are caused by education, civilians wouldn’t notice easily, but they are affecting the whole of Taiwan, even the whole of Asia. I participated in the school’s sports team for a long time, and I encountered many problems student-athletes would face, so I could feel the students’ pain during this project. I truly hope that these potential threats to society could be improved, and also hope that our project can make people realize the problem and do something about it.

Wei Yo

As a teammate who joined this year, I am surprised that I didn’t notice all these people that needed help before. I never realized so many kids want to improve themself by going overseas but are stopped by many problems and couldn’t achieve their dreams. This project made me understand more about these kids in need and also made me understand that there are a lot of people who would sacrifice themselves for others.

Simon Wu

This is my second time participating cyberfair, also my second interview. I think cyberfair is a very rare experience, despite we have only a few people but we still tried hard to solve all the problems. Starting to gather information from zero, understanding Choxue step by step. This organization let me understand a lot of students that are struggling between academics and sports, some of them don’t even have the resources to work hard. Some completely abandon their academics just for sports. Through the researches I found out that in order to completely solve a problem, we have to participate

Shawn Pan

While we’re gathering data, I saw many students who must fight for their future. They are not lazy, in fact, they might be working harder than anyone else, however, due to problems such as incomes or environment, they were forced to give up on their dreams and fit in with the rest of the society. Choxue made these kids able to have a new chance to chase their dreams, I am very grateful for them.

Aaron Hung

From this experience, the most important skills I learned are how to organize information, optimizing visibility and understanding for the audience: before being able to start working on the content, we have to split up the different parts of the website, creating the headers of the different sections of the website. Then, after those sections were marked out, we could start working on the content, which included anything from our own team to interview about Cheng Ho, forcing us to use different skills we have learned before, such as video editing skills to add subtitles to the video, or HTML skills to work on the website.

Creating the website was not an easy task. Although I had learned HTML in the past, actually integrating it into a complete website was a task I have never done before and taught me lots of new skills. First and foremost, knowing what and how you were going to design the website is something you can not do while writing code. Instead, I had to use Adobe Illustrator to plan out the website layout, using the advanced graphics of Illustrator to accurately depict what the website was to look like, before turning to Adobe Dreamweaver to write the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. Even after writing the code, the work was not done: parts had to be debugged, content edited to fit the space, and changing even more parts where the website design did not fit the content. All of this amounted up to weeks of work, which we were able to complete, after day after day of hard work, working late into the night.