We used methods from sociological qualitative research to complete the infrastructure of our topic, which are interview and literature analysis. For the core of our topic, we interviewed the teacher of this field, and obtained the primary source from the interview. By comparing these sources to relevant literature and information collected, we were able to correct and add information to our research.
Also, in order to understand the familiarity of our topic and interviewee in our society, we have used the statistical method of questionnaires, and widely distributed the form online with a duration of about six months. About 300 questionnaires were collected and analyzed to reinforce and examine the viewpoints obtained from the research before, which form a research result of combination with relatively objective.
Yet, the number of questionnaires was slightly insufficient, which became a limitation for the expansion of our research, since we were only able to do analysis of limited collected samples. However, these questionnaires also have sufficient objective research assistance to our research. This enables us to have a certain understanding of the cognition of the public on our topic, and helps explain phenomena and analytical deficiencies of literature analysis in our research.