Project Elements

1. Tools and technologies we used

A CyberFair project includes research, communication, interviewing, video editing, and most importantly, website design, coding, and publishing. To do this, we need help from technology. For this project, students used 8 personal laptops to do research on Mr. Xing Taizhao from online data. Search engines play an important role in the research, Google allows us to find interview videos done by others before, news reports on Mr. Xing Taizhao, to get a better understanding of our research target. Youtube is also very useful when it comes to learning new skills. Before interviewing, the director gets to use Youtube videos to learn how to shoot good interview videos. Including tips like two camera angles. Moreover, Google Drive, including the instant sharing function, folder creating, and supports a variety of types of documents, did a great job of helping us be organized. With the fully-functioning Google services, it makes the crewmates more connected even without being together. Google docs are the main way we store information and data. Besides, we used Google Form to collect data for later analysis. The team used Google Forms to create and send surveys. As for filming the interview, the team used mobile phones to capture and record the words of Mr. Xing. When transferring video files from mobile to laptops, the team uploads it to Google Drive where the files will not be compressed. And for video editing and adding subtitles, the editor chose to use iMovie, which is built into macOS for free. In addition, the team used Visual Studio Code to code the website, editing based on online HTML templates. Finally, the school server was used to publish the website.

2. How we act as ambassadors and spokespersons

Through the process of conducting research on Mr. Xing Taizhao, collecting data through a survey, interviewing Mr. Xing Taizhao, and finalizing all of the information by constructing a website, we act as “ambassadors” because websites and videos can be accessed by anyone with interest on the internet, so we are spreading the research we have done on this specific person.

3. Project Impact on Community

After conducting an extensive study into the structure and history of the Chief Prosecutor, we designed a survey for members in our community. By emailing the survey to students at KCIS, they begin to gain a basic understanding of the project. Through this survey, people learned about the knowledge of the Chief Prosecutor, Mr. Xing Taizhao and the system of public procuration. As we publish our project onto globalschoolnet, it will reach many others and it would allow people to understand our local judicial system, including its history and structure. This is a move of spreading knowledge.

4. Project and local helper/ volunteers

Throughout the process, we received a lot of help from Mr. Hsiao Shih- Hsuan and Mr. Peng Ying- Tsong. They gave the team beneficial suggestions and guidance. For instance, the students didn’t know how to set up a website. Therefore, the school’s computer teacher, Mr. Peng Ying-Tsong, walks the student step by step through the process of setting up the website. He was patient and helped the team solve multiple issues. Helping the team to finish the project in time and resolve any possible problems. In addition, we thank Mr. Xing Taizhao for his time for our interview. He is a very busy Chief Prosecutor, so it is hard for him to find time for our interview. Throughout the interview, he patiently answered our questions, taught us knowledge of our country’s judicial system. This knowledge can also benefit the people who visit our website, which we hope to help people further understand about Mr. Xing Taizhao and the judicial system in Taiwan.