Project Overview

1. Our Comunity

A word that means beautiful land, 'Formosa' , was once used to describe Taiwan. The island lives up to its name as it has more than just beautiful natural landscape, it also contains a constitution and legal system governed under democracy. The history of Taiwan, its road to reach true democracy reflects the value of justice and citizen rights. Taiwan's legal system separates power into multiple offices to prevent unjust due to one's overpower. The procuration system balances out the power of judges to ensure justice in court, this guarantees the citizens' rights and wellbeing.

2. Project Summary

The system of public procuration exists to balance the powers of judges, and to ensure the objectivity of the court. The prosecutors act as supervisors to maintain a just legal system; in this project our team will interview the present head of Taiwan's Higher Prosecutors' Office, Mr. Xsing Taizhao to understand his career and his view on Taiwan's procuration system. The team would conduct research on Mr. Xsing's accomplishments and further understand the importance of the procuration system through the information provided by Xsing, providing us a different perspective regarding the procuration system.

3. Computer and Internet Access

The internet has improved through the years, the internet is now available in classrooms, we are allowed to work during class while accessing the internet. The internet allows students to do research, make surveys, and contact each other. The upload connection speed used in the classroom is about 10.58 Mbps, download about 2 Mbps, since our school is in the mountains, the connection speed is very inconsistent and very unstable. When the Wifi is broken, we use desktop computers that are connected to the ethernet to do work.

4. Problems We Had to Overcome

Due to Covid-19 safety protocols, we are being restricted because the interview with Mr. Xsing Taizhao had to be postponed and it was especially difficult for him and us because the interview had to be arranged. Most of the times he was available we couldn’t go and the times we could he couldn’t come because he was busy with a huge responsibility on his back, therefore, it was hard when arranging the interview with him.

5. Our Project Sound Bite

The cyber fair team conducted research on Mr. Xsing Taizhao and Taiwan's High Prosecutor's Office, including Xsing’s background story, Xsing’s experiences, Xsing’s accomplishments as well as the office’s history and structure. The members of the team collected valuable data through the interview of Mr. Xsing and the questionnaire used to construct the website.

6. Our Project and content standards, required coursework and curriculum requirements

This CyberFair project discovers and addresses the judicial system of Taiwan and one significant prosecutor in Taiwan, this is related to school academic content of Taiwan civics class. These learnings can be beneficial for understanding our rights as Taiwnese citizens. Furthermore, students learn research and analysis throughout the project, which practices academic skills. Students have learned to code websites with HTML and CSS, this is linked to computer classes in school. When doing the project, our group also practices teamworking, we divide work so that everyone could contribute to the project.