"Sea" Beyond the Sea

Investigating the secrets of environmental conservation glasses

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Job (s) Name (s) Percentage Role
Register/Website Coder Chloe Cheng 10% Student
Write Application Anna Su, Abby Hung, Chiwei Lee, Chloe Cheng, Mariann Chen, Melody Chen 5% Student
Related Articles/Citation Abby Hung, Mariann Chen, Melody Chen 5% Student
Survey Analysis Abby Hung 10% Student
Interview Video Editors Abby Hung, Mariann Chen, Melody Chen 10% Student
Interview/ Interview notetaker/ Photographer/ Filmer Abby Hung, Melody Chen, Mariann Chen, Anna Su, Chiwei Lee 10% Student
Translation Finalizer Anna Su, Brian Huang 5% Student
Research/ Survey designers/ Interview questions designers/ Interview video subtitles/ Translation All Members 30% Student
Technical support/ Give intructions and guidlings/ Motivate Hsiao Shih-Hsuan, Peng Ying-Tsong 10% Teacher
Authorized photos/ Provide knowledge Ocean 5% Interviewee