B. Books

1. Li,Wen-xuan (2016) Life Stories of the Homeless in Taiwan

2. Do You a Flavor (2017) 街頭生存指南:城市狹縫求生兼作樂的第一堂課

3. 李佳庭 (2019) 你不伸手,他會在這裡躺多久?:一個年輕社工的掙扎與淚水

4. 黃克先 (2021) Precarious Living: Homeless People and the Helping Networks in Taiwan

A. Study Thesis and Dissertation

1. TSAI, CHIA-HSUN (2022) The Experience of Social Workers on Assisting Female Homeless to Exit From Homelessness-A Study on Non-profit Organizations in Taipei City

2. WU,PEI-SHIUAN (2022) Approaching the Social Impact Bond: A case study for the lifereconstruction of homeless people in Taiwan

3. Chi-Jen Cheng (2014) The research of the reasons and coping strategies to homeless gathering at Taipei Main Station