C. Related Media Reports
1. Homeless Taiwan Association Official Website
2. Precarious Living: Homeless People and the Helping Networks in Taiwan
3. Definitions of Homelessness and At Risk of Homelessness
5. Homelessness and human rights
6. Life Stories of the Homeless in Taiwan
b. Audio/ Video Series
1. Lost Angeles: City of Homeless
2. Self-Supporting Care Program | Homeless Taiwan Association
B. Books
1. Li,Wen-xuan (2016) Life Stories of the Homeless in Taiwan
2. Do You a Flavor (2017) 街頭生存指南:城市狹縫求生兼作樂的第一堂課
3. 李佳庭 (2019) 你不伸手,他會在這裡躺多久?:一個年輕社工的掙扎與淚水
4. 黃克先 (2021) Precarious Living: Homeless People and the Helping Networks in Taiwan
A. Study Thesis and Dissertation
1. TSAI, CHIA-HSUN (2022) The Experience of Social Workers on Assisting Female Homeless to Exit From Homelessness-A Study on Non-profit Organizations in Taipei City
2. WU,PEI-SHIUAN (2022) Approaching the Social Impact Bond: A case study for the lifereconstruction of homeless people in Taiwan
3. Chi-Jen Cheng (2014) The research of the reasons and coping strategies to homeless gathering at Taipei Main Station